Brad Pitt is hoping to transform the story of the 33 trapped Chilean miners into a big-screen epic - staff at his production company are in talks to land the film rights of the men's amazing survival. After two months trapped underground following the collapse of a tunnel, all the miners emerged relatively unscathed following a dramatic 24 hour televised rescue last month. Only one man had lung problems despite the miners being locked away in a dusty vault for so long.
And after the event hit headlines across the globe, Pitt is eager to get his hands on the film rights, and officials at his Plan B Entertainment Company are in negotiations with representatives for the miners to get the go-ahead for the movie project, according to the Associated Press.
Beside inspiring movimakers to make a big-screen adaptation, the story of Chilean miners has also made singer Amy Macdonald to write a song. "I watched the whole thing all the way through, from start to finish. I just found it so moving. I cried 33 times, once for each one as they came out. It was so inspiring for me. I have half-written a little song based on their plight," she said.
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